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Trading  | May 3, 2018

White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders is going to have her work cut out for her during Thursday’s press conference.

Last night, Rudy Giuliani stunned observers by stating during an interview with Sean Hannity last night that President Trump did, in fact, know about Michael Cohen’s payoff to Stormy Daniels, a porn star with whom he allegedly had an an affair (something that President Trump appeared to confirm this morning).

Then, early Thursday afternoon, NBC News reported that the FBI had wiretapped Cohen’s phone and recorded at least one conversation between him and the White House, Sanders will likely be facing a fusillade of questions about the Mueller probe, whether Trump lied about the Daniels payoff and – of course – whether Cohen will turn on his boss.

Watch the press conference live below. It’s expected to start at 2 pm ET:

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