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Trading  | February 21, 2018

During a Tuesday stop-off in Phoenix to trash talk the “disastrous” GOP tax cuts at the Arizona Center for Economic Progress, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi was startled at a question over her net worth by an audience member who couldn’t stomach the top Democrat’s ivory-tower oratory over wealth inequality. 

Pelosi has embarked on a 100-city taxpayer funded junket organized by Democrats to frame the Republican tax cuts as an assault on low income Americans.

“It can’t possibly be a statement of values for us to talk about, as Martin Luther King said, … ‘God never intended for one group of people to live in superfluous inordinate wealth while others live in abject deadly poverty,’” Pelosi pontificated, hypocritically.

“So these are kitchen table issues for most of America’s families. Most people are not in deadly poverty, but some are. But most people have to struggle to …”

Pelosi’s needle skips as an audience member asked the richest woman in Congress:

How much are you worth, Nancy?” 

A flustered Pelosi shot back:

“No, we’re not talking about that … In any event … I can out … I’m a mother of five, I can speak louder than anybody.” 


Of note, the 77-year-old Pelosi is estimated to have a net worth of $100,643,521 according to, making her the 6th richest member of the House in 2015.  We wonder if Pelosi’s San Francisco pizza parlor is included in the calculation?

Pelosi, of course, wants to pay as little tax as possible

And here we arrive at the heart of why wealthy ivory-tower Democrats are the penultimate hypocrites. While spending her career espousing higher taxes for the rest of us and denouncing income inequality, Pelosi has engaged in a series of complex tax schemes to avoid paying as much tax as possible

As the Washington Free Beacon reports: 

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.), who often rails against income inequality and calls on the wealthy to pay its “fair share” in taxes, took pains in late December to try to preserve tax breaks for two of her multi-million-dollar homes one last time before the new tax law kicked in.

Largely thanks to her husband Paul, a real-estate and venture-capital investor, Pelosi is the wealthiest woman in Congress with a net worth of more than $100 million and the seventh wealthiest member overall, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.

Just days after President Trump signed the sweeping tax bill into law late last month, Pelosi and her husband tried to preserve $64,000 in property tax breaks, known as the state and local taxes (SALT) deductions, for her two California homes. The new tax law limits the deduction to $10,000 and went into effect Jan. 1.

Seems like Nancy’s little propaganda junket is off to a bad start… 

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