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Trading  | July 13, 2018

An overwhelming majority of Russians believe that a shadowy one-world government exists – and that it’s hostile to the Russian nation, RT reported. State-run Russian public opinion research agency VTSIOM released the results of a poll in which 67% of Russian citizens said they believe there is a secret world government, while 21% said they don’t believe in the idea of a one-world government. the rest were undecided.

That marks a significant increase from two years ago, when only 45% of Russians said they believed in the existence of a global shadow government, while over 30% rejected the idea. The survey also showed that the percentage of people who believe in the one-world government is higher among older adults (over 70% said they believed in it) but even among people aged 18-34, more than half (55%) believed in it. About one-third of believers said they didn’t have any evidence to support the existence of a one-world government. Those who did cite evidence mostly pointed to the existence of supranational organizations like the UN and NATO – or referenced TV shows or popular culture.

One Government

Remarkably, around 74% of those who believe said they think the one-world government is hostile toward Russia, while only 10% said it acts in Russia’s best interest. Asked about who they believe to be a part of the one-world government, 23% of believers cited the heads of major banks and other oligarchs. Eight percent said the government is led by senior politicians. Only 2% said they believe Vladimir Putin is a member. And less than 1% said they believe Donald Trump is a member.

Another poll conducted by VTSIOM in April showed that 49 percent of Russians consider their country to be a great world power, down from 57 percent a year ago. However, about one-third told researchers that they expect Russia to become a leading world nation over the next 10 to 15 years. When asked what makes Russia strong and respected, 26% said the military, 22% said “the strong spirit and will of the Russian people,” and 17% attributed Russia’s success to the “good and powerful president” Vladimir Putin.

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