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Trading  | February 1, 2018

Not The Onion.

Former FBI Director and admitted document-leaker James Comey took to Twitter this afternoon to apparently confuse and condemn those who dare to cross his or his old establishment buddies’ paths.

In an apparent show of support for the current (and former) FBI leadership, who, among others, face alleged exposure from Nunes’ memo for their anti-Trump bias and abuse of FISA in surveiling Trump campaign officials, Comey tweeted the following ‘riddle’…

“All should appreciate the FBI speaking up,” Comey said Thursday in a tweet. “But take heart: American history shows that, in the long run, weasels and liars never hold the field, so long as good people stand up. Not a lot of schools or streets named for Joe McCarthy.”

We have a few questions, thoughts on the matter.

1) The FBI “speaking up”? Presumably refers to FBI Director Wray’s “grave concerns” about the memo’s contents (which would allegedly expose the secretive agency that he runs for possible corruption and bias). Where were the “speaking up” FBI when it came to Hillary’s emails? Did they “speak up” about high-ranking officials “insurance” policies against the democratically-elected President?

2) “Weasels and liars never hold the field” – well to be frank Mr.Comey, Democrats and Republicans have ‘held their field’ in Washington for decades skimming from the rest of America… and one other thing… is it a “weasel”-like act to leak documents to the press?

3) Referencing Joe McCarthy seems odd – is it not “all 17 intel agencies” and every Democrat that proclaims anyone not toeing the “Russians disrupted our Democracy” bullshit as a “puppet of putin” to be villified and ostricized and removed from social media and the internet as Russian co-conspirators or “useless idiots” in the biggest McCarthy-esque witch-hunt, blame-scaping ever?

4) What no virtue-signaling, scripture quotes?

We will just have to see what the memo says tomorrow, won’t we…?

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