In case you were wondering what really prompted the 65bps collapse in 2Y Italian bond yields today – since we now know that Salvini’s bait-and-switch leaves the newly formed government with even more euroskeptical and anti-immigrant officials than Mattarella originally refused?
Then look no further than the Italian Ministry of Finance…
They decided today was the day to buy EUR 500 million of two-year BTPs…this was not previously announced.
The Ministry of Economy and Finance announces that, today, a government bond purchase operation was carried out through the assignment of mandates to intermediaries identified among the Specialists in Government Bonds, using the Treasury availability account balances .
The subject of the purchase transaction were the following titles:
Artificially supporting the market and signaling to the world that ‘Italy is fixed’…
Who needs Mario and The ECB?!!
Is there any doubt this whole charade is rigged now?